1. Priority list sign-upSignup dates are announced in early fall. When trips open, sign-up online for the Priority List. It's free and minimal information will be required. This step gives all members a fair chance to register and lets the Travel Committee gauge demand, match roommates and manage room configurations. Think of it as a virtual line-up. Signing up for the Priority List does not guarantee you a spot on the trip. Be ready - some trips sell out minutes after going on sale! You must be a current NTSC member to register.Don't wait until signup opens! Join now or renew early for your best chance of making it on a trip! See Priority List for instructions on how to sign-up for a trip Priority List. | 2. Trip RegistrationIf you have secured a spot, you will receive an email with further instructions. Complete this before the deadline (within 2-5 days) to keep your spot.
Who gets invited?At this point members can only be invited to join the trip by the NTSC Travel Committee so that we can ensure invitations are sent in order and we can balance rooming configurations. | 3. Details & DepositFollow the instructions provided in email you'll receive once you've completed Step 2. to pay your deposit to the tour operator. You are not fully registered until this step is completed. Travelling by air?For air travel, you provided passport details, date of birth and other personal information when you registered. Ensure this is correct: you will be responsible to pay any change fees to update this later. | 4. Final PaymentMake sure you pay attention to trip related email reminders to pay final amounts on time to the tour operator. Remember to confirm payment schedules and if your credit card will be charged automatically. |