Travel trip DisclaimerAcknowledgment NTSC is not a Travel Agent Travel and Trip cancellation/interruption Insurance I acknowledge that I am responsible for arranging my own insurance. I acknowledge that medical insurance is mandatory for trips outside of Canada. Medical and trip cancellation/interruption insurance may be purchased from the travel agent or any number of qualified companies. Full responsibility to acquire insurance coverage lies with the traveller. Trip Cancellation Policy I understand that payments made for trips or activities to the Tour Operator may not be refundable, in whole or in part, and that all payments made to the Tour Operator will be handled in accordance with the Trip Cancellation Policy for the trip. I confirm that I have read and understand cancellation terms and conditions. Please click the provided link and review cancellation terms and other charges. Applicable Law |
TRavel Code of ConductIn addition to abiding by the NTSC Code of Conduct, all participants on an NTSC Travel Trip have accepted and must act in accordance with this Travel Code of Conduct.