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Stuart teather

NTSC has been my skiing home for almost 20 years.  When I joined, I had about 10 ski days under my belt and relied on good balance and a lot of luck to make it down the hill unscathed.

That all changed when I joined the club.  My skiing got way better thanks to wonderful instruction, my social time got better and I will be forever thankful for the relationships that I have forged through this club.

After a long stint as Social Director, a short stint as Marketing and Membership Director, I am very proud to be leading this excellent organization into a new season ... one filled with promise and adventure.

NTSC offers the opportunity to spend your winters outdoors with like-minded members who want to have a great time on the snow, in a chalet, meeting up in Toronto or perhaps in Whistler or Europe. If you are new to the sport, this is the best way to learn.  If you are experienced and want to get better, this is the place for you. 

If you are frustrated because your friends aren't going or you don't want to drive, look no further.

We are going.  And, we are going to have a good time! So join us this year.  Your best winter ever is sitting right in front of you!

catherine virgo

I grew up skiing and always loved the sport, the mountains, the fresh air. I was incredibly lucky to be able to have a "gap" year after university working for Lake Louise Mountain Resort when I was able to ski almost every day!

When I moved to Toronto for work, I didn't know anyone who skied and rarely went to the slopes. I was determined to change that and joined NTSC over a decade ago.

The club has given me so many opportunities from local day trips to weekend trips to Quebec and Vermont to weeklong trips across Canada and the US. I've made many wonderful friendships in the club and now you can find me on snow most Saturdays and Sundays during the winter as part of our amazing snow school.

I love introducing people to this beautiful sport. It is truly one of the best ways to spend a Canadian winter. NTSC is the perfect place to learn or improve your skiing or snowboarding. Or if you're just looking to find the best ski/board buddies for all those winter adventures!

If you're interested in volunteering with the club, please reach out to me at vicepresident @ I can help figure out what volunteer role suits you best!


I moved to Toronto in 2016 and aside from rare ski trips with friends, I was not very active on the slopes. I joined the club 3 years ago and things changed.

The club with its socials, lessons and trips got me back in love with skiing. I have met a lot of wonderful people through trips and socials as well as improved my skiing through the lesson program.This ski club has given me a lot to and I have decided that it was my turn to give back to it.

As a secretary, I want to participate in improving the club and making sure it operates smoothly. I invite anyone to contact me with feedback and questions.

karen reich

I look forward to working with the Board of Directors and volunteers to ensure NTSC remains financially strong for future generations to enjoy!

If you have any questions or would like to help out with our Club’s bookkeeping activities - don't hesitate to contact me at treasurer @ 


I joined NTSC a little over a decade ago when I was searching for like minded people to ski and travel with. While I have been fortunate enough to have travelled to some amazing ski resorts in Canada, USA, Europe and Asia, it is the day trips and lessons offered by our amazing ski school that has taken my skiing to another level making my ski trips even more enjoyable!

It wasn't until the past couple of seasons that I started to give back by getting more involved, first as an assistant bus captain, then a bus captain and most recently a portfolio member on the Alpine Day Trips Committee. I am looking forward to planning another great season of Day Trips for you all to enjoy.

If you are interested in joining the Alpine Day Trips Committee or simply want to ease in as a bus captain or assistant bus captain, I would love to hear from you. I am also open to discussing any questions, comments or suggestions you may have. Please feel free to contact me at alpinedaytrips @

I look forward to seeing you all on the slopes


I learned to ski as a child growing up in Hockley Valley, and was introduced to "the big hills" as a teenager when my family relocated to Calgary. I was lucky enough to spend my formative years skiing in Banff, Montana and BC. As grownup life took over and I was relocated back to Toronto for work; unfortunately skiing took a back seat for a number of years until finally I determined I missed it too much and needed to get back on the hills!

Through NTSC I found a wonderful new network of friends and by taking advantage of the ski school program I've seen a huge improvement in my skiing, but even as a beginner skiing for me was always a social sport; it was weekends away, apres at the pub, and trading snow stories with friends after a great day on the slopes.

As the Marketing & Membership Director my objective is to keep our club full of happy and engaged members who want to keep skiing and riding with NTSC for years to come.

Amelia Nedovich

I joined NTSC several years ago as an adult yearning to learn to ski. I started out with alpine skiing and will never forget my first lesson – I was a “never ever” at Devil’s Glen of all places and, of course, ended up with a private lesson. I have since been on many fabulous trips including Cortina Italy, Banff & Lake Louise, Whistler more than once, and my favourite of all time – Deer Valley in Utah where I had a fabulous evening at Robert Redford’s restaurant Zoom in Park City.

I’ve since moved on to nordic skiing for the fabulous scenery and physical exertion, starting out with classic and moving on to try to grasp skate technique.

A few years ago, I endured the program at the XC Supercamp at Silver Star in B.C. and am going back this year because, truth be told, I have not yet mastered skate skiing.

Why did I step up to the plate to take on the Nordic Director portfolio? It’s because I want to grow the program and attract many more members to the wonderful experience of gliding through a forest silent except for the sound of skis on freshly fallen snow. You should join me – I think you’d love it.

brian coutinho
Technology Director

Almost anyone can strap on skis or a snowboard to themselves and slide down a slope, but with NTSC , we can make you look good, feel confident and having a bunch of fun in doing so! 

I would encourage you to come out and participate in a daytrip, or even weekend/week long trip outside of Ontario. Daytrips are a great way to brush up your skills, be it on skis or a snowboard. 

And don't forget about our social gatherings which are a great way to connect with fellow members. 

My role with NTSC is to help facilitate the use of technology with the clubs day to day operations which includes our website, the trip booking system and backend operations and activities. 


I moved to Canada with work in 2018 and joining NTSC turned out to be the single best decision of the move! I've spent more time on the slopes, travelled and made some of my closest friends through joining the club and am very excited to give something back as a volunteer board member!

I have spent numerous years running summer waterski programs in the USA and am very excited to turn my attention to leading an alpine skiing program for a change!

You'll find me on the slopes from first-tracks all the way through to slushy spring-skiing! Don't be afraid to say hi! Alternatively, if you have any questions or suggestions concerning the Snow School, please contact me.

Social director

Hello, I am your socials director, aka your party captain, WOO! I’ve been in the club for 10 years now, mostly as a regular member, then as a social committee chair, and now director. I’m also a newly minted snowboard instructor.

The first time I went snowboarding was on Mt. Fuji while I was teaching ESL in Japan - the good friends, spectacular views, physical challenge, and exhilaration made me say “This makes me happy to be alive!”

The second time was at Whistler/Blackcomb while working for the 2010 Olympics. When I came home to Ontario, I just had to get out to the HUGE mountains we have here and went to Glen Eden, Boler, and Horseshoe. Then a friend convinced me to try a day trip to MSLM with NTSC, and after the relaxing morning bus ride, the super fun and educational first lesson, nerding out with other snow geeks, the lively apres that continued on the bus ride home, learning about the amazing travel trips to the big mountains - I decided I had to join.

I love helping to build community and partnerships, and the social committee is all about that! We plan events all year-round to give members opportunities for fun, friendship, new adventures, challenge, chill-axing, conversation, socializing, networking, romance, and exploring the best Toronto has to offer for enjoying life!

As the socials director, I’m excited about collaborating with all the portfolios to make the upcoming season the best it can be. The plan for socials: Keep up the pub nights, stick with the much-loved old faithfuls like bowling and curling, experiment and take some risks with new ideas, revisit successful past events, and keep planning ahead to deliver the fun opportunities to all of you.

Get in touch with me at socials @ if you have any ideas for future events!

Travel director

The 2023/24 season is my third one as Travel Director. The last two seasons have been very rewarding, but I am looking forward to leveraging the collective Travel Committee knowledge to offer the best line up of trips. We are so excited to have you ski or board with us at an amazing Canadian, American or European destination. Or maybe a trip to each one!

Seven years ago when I joined the Club, I couldn't imagine how much my life would change by joining a ski club.  NTSC has provided me with amazing friendships, incredible travel to ski resorts around the world and some really fun social events. I am a huge fan of the ski school and never miss an opportunity to sing its praises. I didn't start skiing seriously until my "prime of life" and the ski school has really helped me improve, so much so that I am now an instructor with NTSC. I'm proof that it's never too late to learn something new.

I look forward to seeing you on the hill, whether it's on a trip or in a lesson.

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