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  1. I can stand in my boots and carry my skis.  (Beginner/First Time on Skis)
  2. I can make turns in the learning/magic carpet area and manage my speed.

  3. I can link turns and manage my speed when I am focused; on Green Terrain.  I can load and unload a chair lift with confidence without falling.

  4. I can link turns at will, control my speed and stop on demand; on Green Terrain.


  1. I can link turns at will, control my speed and stop on demand; on Blue Terrain.

  2. I can ski parallel most of the turn on Blue Terrain, but I lack consistency managing my turn shape and/or speed.  I use a pole plant some of the time.

  3. I can keep my skis parallel through the entire turn in long and medium turn shapes with a pole plant while managing my speed; on Blue Terrain. (CSIA Level 1)

  4. I can make rhythmical, parallel turns with a pole plant in shorter and longer radius turn shapes on Blue and some Black Terrain.  I demonstrate natural alignment and lead my turn with my lower body most of the time.  I am able to keep the skis on edge but lack consistency as conditions become more challenging. (CSIA Level 2)


  1. I can make rhythmical, parallel turns with a pole plant in shorter and longer radius turn shapes on Black Terrain.  I demonstrate natural alignment and lead my turn with my lower body most of the time.  I can link carved turns on Green Terrain.  I can adapt my skills to manage changes in speed, terrain and conditions.  I still lack consistency when trying to manage bumpy terrain.

  2. I can link carved turns on Blue Terrain and carry some energy from one turn to the next.  I can balance on my edges above the fall line on Blue Terrain in all turn shapes and speeds.  I lead turns with my lower body and balance well on my outside ski.  I can regain balance, manage speed and line choice in bumpy terrain. (CSIA Level 3)

  3. I can make dynamic parallel turns, with rhythm, speed & control on advanced & expert varied terrain.   I am working towards the CSIA Level 4 certification standards.



  • First time rider, no experience on a snowboard but keen to try


  • Can slide slip with control down beginner (green) terrain. Starting to make isolated and linked turns.


  • Turning on beginner (green) terrain with greater speed

  • Starting to ride on intermediate (blue) terrain


  • Can ride most intermediate (blue) terrain with moderate speed

  • Can ride conservatively down some Ontario black diamond runs


  • Comfortable on groomed advanced (black) terrain at moderate speed

  • Exploring and adaptation to varied terrain such as bumps and in different conditions

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