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NTSC Code of conduct


The Code of Conduct establishes the standards that govern the way Members deal with each other, the media and the public at large. The Code of Conduct differs from the Club’s Bylaws in that it addresses acceptable/unacceptable behaviour.

By participating in a Club Activity or any other activity or undertaking which can be reasonably related to a relationship established between or among Members of the Club, Members agree to be bound to these rules and any other rules pertaining to that specific activity.

This policy applies to all Members and Guests. Members shall be specifically responsible for the actions of their Guests. Members may face all sanctions set out herein for actions of their Guests.


1. "Activity" means any Club organized event including, but not limited to, day trips, general and special socials, charter trips, training, general Membership meetings or any other activity or undertaking which can be reasonably related to a relationship established between or among Members of the Club.

2. “Club” means the North Toronto Ski Club (NTSC).

3. “Guest” means any person participating in a Club Activity who is not a Member, but invited to participate at the request of a Member.

4. “Member(s)” means any current Club Member.

The following Code of Conduct applies to all Members and Guests

    1. Abide by and uphold the Club's Bylaws, Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct.

    2. Treat other Members, Guests, staff of venues and other patrons (where a Club Activity is being held) fairly, equally and with respect and courtesy.

    3. Behave responsibly and conduct themselves in a manner which will not damage the reputation of the Club, its Activities and Members.

    4. Refrain from Unacceptable Behaviour or Harassment of other Members and Guests.

    5. Abide by all local laws and regulations.

    6. Illegal drugs are not permitted during Club Activities.

    7. Acknowledge and abide by the Alpine Responsibility Code and Cross Country Responsibility Code while skiing and/or snowboarding. For details refer to:

    8. Refrain from using the Club as a forum to publish, post, distribute, or disseminate any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials.

    9. Refrain from promoting my products or services within the Club and not post commercial offers or promotions in the Club or on the Club's social media sites.

    10. Honour personal debts to the Club:
          a) Pay any fees in a timely manner, in relation to a Club Activity which has been committed to, regardless of whether the Member attends the event or not.
          b) Acknowledge that tickets for Club Activity’s cannot be transferred or sold to a non-Member.

    11. Members will help prevent concussions by correctly wearing the proper ski/riding equipment and by developing skills and strength so that they can participate to the best of their ability. They will recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion and remove themselves from skiing/riding.
          Members will get checked out by a snow patroller/physician/nurse practitioner and support gradual return to ski/riding. Members will also recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion in a fellow member and recommend they remove themselves from skiing/riding and get checked out by a snow patroller/physician/nurse practitioner.


    The Board of Directors (hereinafter called 'the Board' and as defined in the Club’s By-Laws) at any time may approach Members for discussion regarding any violation of conduct, to serve the interest of the Club and its Members. As well, the Director in charge of a Club Activity, an appointee or any Board Member may, at his/her discretion, deal with
    any violation of conduct by a Member participating in a Club Activity.

    Any violation may be referred to Board and dealt with under provision of Article 1.06 of the Club's bylaws. The Board may also refer a violation to the Discipline Committee for handling in accordance with the grievance and disciplinary procedures set out in the Harassment Policy.

    In all cases, should there be damage to property, monetary restitution will be mandatory to continue Membership.

    For travel trips participants:

    • If any damage is caused by a Member participating on a NTSC charter trip, the cost of repair will be charged to the Member and may be required to be paid before checking out of the accommodation for that Charter Trip.
    • The appointed Trip Leader has the right to remove trip participants from the Charter trip if they do not abide by the Code of Conduct. All costs associated with the removal will be the trip participant’s responsibility.
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