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  • 14 Oct 2017
  • 4:30 PM
  • 15 Oct 2017
  • 1:30 AM
  • Concordia Hall - Kitchener


  • NTSC Bavarian Partier

Oktoberfest – The real deal!

Saturday October 14

Concordia Hall in KITCHENER.

We will be travelling in a party bus to participate in this great Bavarian tradition at the world’s second largest Oktoberfest celebration.  This is the closing day in the biggest hall (4,000 people).

Tickets for entry and bus are $50, and we only have 50 of them, and so sign up now.

Buses will leave Yonge and York Mills at 4:30pm with a possible stop for people out in the west end, and return to Yonge and York Mills around 1:30am.

The celebrations include carnival games, two pubs, Bavarian music and food (and regular music and food), German Beer (and regular drinks and wine) and more things to do than you will have time for.

Get your tickets and leather party pants on now!  Prost!!


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