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I have read, understood and agree to abide by the North Toronto Ski Club (referred to hereinafter as "NTSC") Harassment Policy, the NTSC Code of Conduct, the NTSC Privacy Policy and the by-laws of NTSC, acknowledging  that failure to do so could lead to my expulsion. I understand and acknowledge that my membership is contingent upon my agreeing to and signing all necessary insurance waivers and indemnitities as provided and which may be updated from time to time as required. 

I acknowledge that my membership fee is non-refundable and non-transferable and that cash will not be accepted as payment by NTSC at any function, whether it be a Day Trip, Travel Trip or Social Event. Failure to comply with safety measures (including COVID protocols) will be deemed reason to terminate your NTSC membership without a refund.

I confirm that I am aware that skiing and snowboarding involve many inherent risks, dangers and hazards including but not limited to: use of ski lifts, slips, trips and/or falls; changing weather and snow conditions, exposed rock, ice, trees, tree wells and other natural objects, man-made objects, ski resort or NTSC equipment, and reckless behaviour of other skiers, snowboarders or persons, and I freely accept and fully assume all such risk danger and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting therefrom.  Accordingly, In consideration of being permitted to participate in NTSC activities including those activities of any nature whatsoever that do not involve skiing or snowboarding, I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, successors, estate trustees and assigns, hereby remise, release and forever discharge NTSC, its Directors, officers, instructors, successors and assigns from any and all manner of actions, causes of action, suits, debts, claims and demands whatsoever that I have ever had, now have or may have arising out of my participation in NTSC activities.


At NTSC, we take safety seriously. Some injuries are easy to see and treat but brain injuries, such as concussions, don’t show on the outside and are not always obvious. Whether you’re a first-time skier/snowboarder or an experienced one, the following preventative measures can help you stay safe.

I confirm I have reviewed the Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources prior to registration.

I will help prevent concussions by:

  • Wearing the proper ski/riding equipment correctly. Developing my skills and strength so that I can participate to the best of my ability.
  • Abide by the Alpine Responsibility Code and Cross-Country Responsibility Code.
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion and remove myself from skiing/riding, even if I feel okay. I will get myself checked out by a snow patroller/physician/nurse practitioner.
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion in a fellow member and recommend they remove themselves from skiing/riding and get checked out by a snow patroller/physician/nurse practitioner.
  • Support gradual return to ski/riding.

© 2020-23 North Toronto Ski Club
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software