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1. NTSC COVID-19 Operations Framework Overview

This framework explains the high-level policies and necessary protocols for NTSC to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID Task Force, which reports to the Board of Directors, uses a hierarchy of principles to evaluate changes and additions to the COVID Framework. In order of priority, these principles are:

  • Legal protection of the Club

  • Safety of the members

  • Ease of operating the Club

  • Member preferences

To evaluate a change or addition to the Framework, the Task Force asks how these changes and additions would affect the principles (i.e. principle-based decision making).

1.1 Guiding Policies

  • The COVID Committee will monitor Ontario COVID public health measures and advice.  The Committee will  advise the Board of any recommended changes for NTSC events, including, but not limited to, alpine and cross country day trips, travel trips and socials.  NTSC will  align trips and events with what is permitted and in the spirit of Ontario COVID public health measures (or destination public health measures). See Ontario COVID-19 Public Health Measures.

  • Travel trips are purchased from Tour Operators and subject to third party regulations and government travel advisories that prescribe when insurance and refunds are issued. NTSC cannot cancel trips as it may prevent members from obtaining refunds that they would otherwise be eligible to receive.

1.2 Adjusted Protocols

Operating during a pandemic requires changes to typical programming offered by the Club. 

  • For the 2022/23 season, NTSC continues to support the Ontario Ministry of Health recommendation that individuals be fully vaccinated, including being up-to-date on all available boosters. However, we will not track members' vaccination status. 

  • We will monitor Ontario Ministry of Health guidelines and will make decisions such as requiring masks to be worn on buses, reporting of COVID-19 positive status and any other COVID-19 protocol changes based on these guidelines.

  • You should continue to wear a mask if:

    • you feel it is right for you
    • you are at high risk for severe illness
    • you are recovering from COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19
    • you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19
    • NTSC members and their guests must follow ALL NTSC and partner protocols, including but not limited to bus carriers, host resorts, and Local Public Health Authorities when participating in NTSC activities.

      1.3 Positive COVID Test or Symptoms

      See Day Trips, Travel Trips and Socials section below for specific cancellation policies due to a positive COVID test or COVID symptoms.  For the purposes of this section, in-person events include alpine and cross country day trips and lessons, travel trips, social events and meetings.

      • Prior to attending an in-person event, you must take a self-assessment if you have any symptoms of illness or have tested positive for COVID-19.

      • You may not attend in-person events if you have symptoms of illness or have tested positive for COVID-19. 

      • NTSC follows the Ontario guidance What to do if you have been exposed to COVID-19. Please follow the guidance for these scenarios.

        • You must isolate if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive for the virus. 

        • You may need to isolate if you live with someone who has COVID-19 or COVID-19 symptoms. 

        • You do not need to isolate, but must still monitor for symptoms and take all necessary precautions if you’ve been exposed to someone from another household with symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test result

      • You must follow the Ontario prescribed isolation periods and not attend in-person events during your isolation period.

        • You must isolate for at least five days if you are fully vaccinated.

        • You must isolate for at least 10 days if you are not fully vaccinated

        • Your isolation period begins the day after you noticed your symptoms or the day after you received a positive test result – whichever came first. The day you first noticed symptoms or took the test is considered day zero.

        • If you reach the end of your isolation period and have a fever or other symptoms, you must continue to isolate until your symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if the symptoms affect the digestive system) and you have no fever.

        • If you feel sick but your symptoms are not in the list above, stay home until you feel better for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if the symptoms affect the digestive system).

      • For five days (or 10 days if you are immunocompromised) after your isolation period ends, you must wear a well-fitted mask when attending any in-person events,

        1.4 Non-Compliance

        Failure to comply with NTSC or partner safety measures or protocols will be taken seriously by NTSC. The board reserves the right to sanction members, including but not limited to warnings, removal from a trip, termination of membership, and expulsion from NTSC.

        2. DAY TRIPS

        2.1 Registration

        • Member registration for day trips will possibly occur earlier than in a normal season to accommodate the resorts’ need for accurate numbers for our planned day trips as well as proof of vaccination where required.
        • Day trip participants must follow protocols outlined in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

        2.2 Resorts

        • The indoor areas (e.g. dressing area, lunch area, and lockers) may be unavailable at resorts. Each resort has individual COVID-19 protocols in place. Please refer to resort websites for specific guidance.

        2.3 Bus Operations

        • Due to the nature of our bus trips, the Club may, at its own discretion, operate NTSC buses at a reduced capacity as an added precaution for its members even if provincial guidelines allow for full capacity
        • The bus companies contracted to work with NTSC have upgraded their air filtration systems to provide better safety to their customers. Buses will be cleaned before every trip.

        2.4 Bus Passenger Protocols

        The following information is for NTSC bus riders.


        • Follow all the bus captain’s instructions.
        • Check-in with the bus captain before loading the bus.
        • Use the same seats when traveling to and from the resort. Stay seated when traveling and until directed to the exit.
        • If outdoor or chalet dining is not available, the bus may be open at lunchtimes. Bus availability will be dependent on Ontario COVID-19 public health measures, bus company policies and Board of Directors’ discretion. The bus is only available for bus riders, not drive-up day trip participants.
        • Understand resort protocols. These can be found online on the resort website. Knowing the expectations that the resort will ask you to follow will increase your enjoyment of your trip with NTSC.
        • Follow your Instructor’s guidance on COVID protocol during lessons.
        • Wear a mask on the bus; not consume food, beverages or alcohol on the bus; remain seated at all times and sharing food will be evaluated and communicated before the start of day trip registrations.


        • Participate in a day trip if you have any COVID symptoms or may have been exposed and are required to isolate.

        2.5 Drive-ups

        • Drive-ups must register for lessons through the Club website for Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday trips.
        • Due to COVID, some hills may be restricting use of their chalets. This means, outside of the bathrooms or designated areas for brief warm-up periods, the chalet may not be available. In this instance, members driving must use their vehicle as a chalet (to dress, eat, and warm-up). Check resort websites for up-to-date information.
        • The bus is not available for drive-up member use.

        2.6 Cancellation Policy for Day Trips

        • Members may cancel a day trip up to 3 times without penalty (bus fee) due to COVID symptoms or possible COVID exposure.
        • Members must follow the instructions documented in Section 1.3 Positive COVID Test or Symptoms.

        2.7 Guests

        • Guests are only permitted when buses are operating. Guests must take the bus; the drive-up option is not available for guests.
        • Guests must follow the protocols in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

          3. LESSONS 

          Members participating in an NTSC lessons must follow protocols outlined in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. Safety protocols such as requiring face masks and social distancing during lunch will be determined and communicated closer to the start of lessons. By registering for a lesson, you are agreeing to abide by the protocols in place at the time of your lesson..


            While NTSC is not requiring proof of vaccination to participate in Club activities this season, all Travel trip participants will need to follow vaccination requirements and rules for trip destinations. If you register for a trip, you are responsible for ensuring you are compliant with all destination vaccination, testing and documentation requirements. These requirements could change at any time.

            Bus safety protocols such as requiring face masks, not allowing food or alcohol, assigning seats, etc. will be determined and communicated closer to the start of Travel trips. By registering for a trip, you are agreeing to abide by the protocols in place at the time of your trip.

            4.1 Travel Trip Cancellation Policy 

            • Travel trips are purchased from Tour Operators and subject to third party regulations and government travel advisories that prescribe when insurance and refunds are issued. NTSC cannot cancel trips as it may prevent members from obtaining refunds that they would otherwise be eligible to receive.
            • Travel trip participants must follow the protocols in Sections 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, including self-monitoring their health and COVID-19 symptoms. Members with symptoms or testing positive for COVID-19 must not participate in a trip.
            • All costs associated with cancellation and/or interruption are the participant’s responsibility.

            4.2 Bus Transportation

            Please read in conjunction with section 2.3 Bus Passenger Protocols. Bus transportation protocols will be evaluated before each air and bus trip commences. Current protocols for an air trip or bus trip include, but are not limited to:

            • A request that trip participants exercise caution in the two weeks before the start of a Travel trip, including wearing a mask in public and especially  indoors at large gatherings.

            •  Wearing a mask during airline flights.

            • No consumption of alcohol and no food sharing on buses.

            By registering for a trip, members agree to follow Bus Transportation protocols in place at the time of their trip.

            4.3 Before a Travel Trip

            • Trip participants will be required to sign off that they have read, understood and agree to abide by the COVID-19 Policies and Protocols for 2022-23 Travel Trips and Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability.
            • Trip participants are advised to print a hard copy of their proof of vaccination receipt, just in case a mobile device fails and to bring picture ID.

            4.4 During a Travel Trip

            • Trip participants have a responsibility to their fellow trip participants and particularly their roommate(s). Maintaining social distancing, wearing masks in indoor public areas and other actions that mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 are encouraged.
            • Each airline and resort has COVID-19 protocols. Trip participants are accountable for keeping up-to-date and adhering to their protocols. Please note that protocols can change before arrival, as resorts will have to comply with evolving local public health advice and related requirements.
            • If a member is not comfortable at any time, they can choose to cancel their trip at their own expense. Once on the trip, a member can return home early by advising the Trip Leader and contacting the Tour Operator to arrange a flight back to Toronto. For bus trips, the member needs to arrange their own transportation home.
            • The NTSC Travel Code is stored on the NTSC Travel website page. If a trip participant's behavior poses a risk to others, the appointed Trip Leader has the right to remove a trip participant from the trip if they do not abide by the NTSC Code of Conduct. All costs associated with the early departure are the participant’s responsibility.

                5. SOCIALS 

                Members must follow the instructions in Section 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

                6. VOLUNTEERS

                NTSC volunteers are empowered to apply all Club policies and procedures and escalate through Directors as required.

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